Late Late Show Highlights

Last night’s Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson was dominated by talk of, and opinions about, appealing to television’s 18-34 male demographic. Craig was overtly annoyed about it, and used that energy to fuel the show. The cold open basically sets the tone for the rest of the hour:

I’m not sure what happened behind the scenes to make Craig focus so much time, energy and frustration on this topic, but, in my opinion, it crippled the monologue, resulting in no jokes worth mentioning.

The comedy segment bit was “Tweetmail”. It was terrific, thanks, once again, to the hilarious Josh Thompson:

Judd Apatow was the first couch guest. He’s a filmmaker. The interview was great. Judd was cool, laid-back and shared some amusing tidbits. He and Craig were very entertaining together; I really enjoyed their conversation. The single funniest moment, however, was when Judd took a call from Morgan Freeman. Here’s the interview:

Jackie Guerrido was the second couch guest. She is a television weather anchor. The interview was fine. Jackie was friendly, engaged and had a nice sense of humor. She and Craig basically spent the entire segmnet flirting. Jackie was into it, so it was reasonably fun to watch. That, and she’s really damn adorable when she pronounces “coconuts,” make the interview worth watching:

The closing segment was lame.

Decent show. I give it:

– Woody

Posted In: Late Night