Situation Handling
Yes, this really is a problem. Yes, I am a witness to it on average three times a week. No, I don’t actively search it out, I just happen to frequent places where this tends to occur. Yes, I could hang out in places where this doesn’t tend to occur, but that’s just running away instead of dealing with the issue. No, I don’t know why you’re asking me so many questions. No, I can’t loan you ten bucks.
Woody discussed phase I here. That was 191 strips ago. I think the difference between Woody’s look then and now is fascinating.
Speaking of fascinating, have you seen the Old Spice commercials? I think they’re terrific. If you haven’t seen them you can watch and .
Now, the reason why I bring this up is because last night I saw a fantastic parody of the Old Spice commercials done by the Brigham Young University Library. This is totally worth 55 seconds of your time:
“8 out of 5 dentists.” That’s brilliant.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a weekend everyone.
– Ben
Now please do a message about teaching people how to flush their poopoo.
Whether it’s at home or in the public restroom, no one, and I mean NO ONE, likes walking in a seeing/smelling the aftermath of some butthead’s fajita lunch. I’ve seen it far too many times.
Pshh, like dentists would know anything about studying. All they do is poke us with sharp sticks ’til we bleed, then tell us that we need to go to libraries to floss.