on January 4, 2010 at 12:00 am
Showing Your Age
Kids these days have no knowledge or respect for those that shaped music into what it is today.
I’m keeping the post short cause I have to Google this guy named Elvis that my parents mentioned to me recently. Apparently he used to be somebody back in their day. I dunno. You ever heard of him? Me neither.
But seriously, kids these days. I blame Iowa. Oh, Iowa looks innocent, sure enough, but you can’t trust a state with all that corn. It’s just not natural.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the new year.
– Ben
Discussion (15) ¬
Oh come on, you’ve heard of Elvis Costello…
It may not be musical, but I spent 15 minutes trying to explain just exactly who John Cusack is. Not even Con Air worked…
Dagnabbit Timmy, what DON’T you get?! That’s funny!
Who is Sting anyway?
uhmm.. I’m just gonna throw this out there. If that lady’s son still gets excited about Sting, then wouldn’t that make him over 30, and still living with his mom?
All very good questions…SHAZAM!!
Great question tracy. But then again all those old bands are hot with the kids b/c of Rock Band and Guitar Hero. They seem to be the ones willing to sell their stuff.
I have my problems with Iowa, too. At least I know my kids will fit right in with your backstage crew. They don’t know who Mork is. ????
This whole line of discussion gets me very depressed. I may have to turn to my MacGyver DVDs and a bowl of C3P0s for solace.
That’s a very existential question… who IS Sting. Is he a man or is he a glowing goblin cleaver?
Part of the problem is that ‘I want my MTV’ doesn’t carry the wait it did when we were a bit younger, haha.
HAH! Sting indeed!
I remember reading about that incident on Kotaku a little while ago. That’s just insane. What kinda weirdo calls 911 for parental help?
Hey Iowa is to a state. Of despair…
This one made me giggle! =)