on May 17, 2010 at 12:00 am
Listen Up Guys
My wife and I hosted three friends from Kentucky this past weekend. They had never visited Raleigh before, so we wanted to take them to some of our favorite restaurants. The plan worked…too well. Some people, after eating too much, remark that they can no longer fit into their pants. Others will take it a step further and joke that they can no longer fit into their sweatpants. I, however, have found a new low: I can no longer fit into my skin.
Needless to say, a good time was had by all.
– Ben
Discussion (5) ¬
Two things:
1. Absolutely love the comic. Do you ever do any appeances in the Raleigh area? Local comic book shops, maybe?
2. As I live on the boarder of Morrisville and Cary, I was wondering what restaurants you were refering to? I’m always up for new eats. Just wondering what you might suggest.
Hey Garrett the Parrot, thanks for letting us know you like the strip. We really appreciate that. I haven’t made any appearances yet, but hope to after our first book is out, which will most likely be next year.
As for places to eat, here are a few of our absolute favorites:
Lilly’s Pizza: http://www.lillyspizza.com/
The Cupcake Shoppe: http://www.thecupcakeshopperaleigh.com/
Mediterranean Deli: http://www.mediterraneandeli.com/
Bogart’s: http://www.bogartsamericangrill.com/
Goodberry’s: http://www.goodberrys.com/index.html
I’m doing my part. Who’s with me, fellas?
Yeah… Woody really shouldn’t have quit his day job.