on March 30, 2015 at 10:44 am
Dream Performance
Some people dream of being in a Broadway show. Some people dream of going to a Broadway show. Some people don’t dream about Broadway at all, which is really weird, because Broadway is awesome. Isabel’s dream was to be a Broadway producer. The ability to help shape a group of people and some set pieces into pure live entertainment in the greatest city in the world just fascinated her. Well, I’m happy to report that her dreams came true.
– Ben
That is sweet! =)
I actually cried knowing this is ending, ive enjoyed this comic so much thank you :’)
Aww! That’s so cool!
all these wrap ups are so bittersweet… i just found your comic and now its ending… see for you it was all those years but for me it was just a couple of weeks… Sounds like a time anomaly ala Interstellar if you ask me…