Pep Talks

Only have 30 seconds? Well, that’s more than enough time to read the second part of my interview with the man who stays up late every night drawing Crowbar Benson, Mr. Sandy Debreuil:

WAH: What is the main goal you’d like to achieve for yourself with your webcomic?

SD: I’d mostly like to get good at it.  It’s still pretty crappy.

I’d like to get better at the drawing, I think that’s achievable, with time.

WAH: What is the main goal you’d like to achieve for your fans with your webcomic?

SD: I’m pretty sure I don’t have any fans.

Bonus: Here’s a great Top Ten List from Letterman this week. It’s the Top Ten Things I’ve Learned In My 30 Years As A Talk Show Host:

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend everyone.

– Ben