Greater Expectations

Conan O’Brien gave his first televised interview last night on 60 Minutes. What struck me the most was that he stuck to his guns about hating cynicism. He had to opportunity to bitch and moan about how he was treated and take cheap shots at NBC and Leno but he didn’t. Instead he made fun of himself and looked towards a better future. I could tell, however, that he was still very upset about forever losing his dream job.

And now for something completely more upbeat:

I wish I could watch all of the late-night talk shows each night and then post clips of all the moments that I thought were hilarious enough to share with everyone. Unfortunately, the grant I submitted to accomplish this was denied. So, I can only do it when I have time, and someone else uploads the clips on YouTube.

I watched the desk segment from Friday night’s Late Show with David Letterman. It was so great that I knew I had to give you the opportunity to see it for yourself. The clip is seven-and-a-half minutes long, and it’s the last three minutes that are hysterical. But you need to watch the first four minutes, which are entertaining in their own right, to get the right build up:

– Ben