Happy Anniversary to Us!

It was exactly one year ago today that Paul and I debuted Woody After Hours right here on this very spot. It was a crazy whirlwind of a day in which eight people visited our site and saw our first strip. Sadly, seven of them didn’t understand it. But, there was no denying that they had caught WAH fever.

Since then we’re happy to report that our audience has increased a whopping 2% per month. That’s 24% for the entire year! That means we’ve got 9.92 fans. We’re closing in on double-digits folks!

And, believe it or not, that’s not even the best part. We’ve made so much advertising revenue that we’ve purchased three polar icecaps, two galaxies within 500 trillion light years of Earth, and we’re currently the high bidder on a bridge in California.

Our momentum is at an all-time high, and it’s because of our great fan base. So Paul and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making this a great first year. We’ve got ambitious goals for this year, but I can only share one of them with you right now: new t-shirt design. That’s right, a new t-shirt! Can you feel the energy in the air?

Ok, I’m going back to bed. See you tomorrow.

– Ben

Posted In: News